Sunday, August 1, 2010

We're Back

Its been a while, I apologise for my neglect on this blogsite for the last 4 months or so. I suppose I felt a little disappointment from the lack of visits on my site. For a long while, I thought about shutting this one down too (I also had a detox site for a little while); then I thought, if I close this, then I'm taking a big risk in the brand new site becoming a quick bore as well. So, what I've decided to do is revamp and rebuild this site. I'm going to do some reconstruction in order to make it more interesting to all of us.

The changes that I'm going to make are going to be pretty big, and I'm asking all of you for some ideas on how to make it more interesting. So far, I have several ideas. The absolute first of these is to ask my darling wife and soul mate to help me rebuild the site, she has created a real knack for websites. Also, I'm going to start my reviewing of beds and breakfasts in the south, she and I are huge into B&Bs. Then I'm going to recreate the whole scoring system, I'm not quite sure how to right now, but I'll look into this. Finally, we're going to evaluate full vacations. Creating better labels for the posts I write will draw larger crowds. I'd love to receive your ideas. If you have any ideas, please post your comments below.  Thank you for your ideas, your support is very helpful.

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